Top Trends in EV: You Need to Know About Electric Vehicle & Charging Stations

What is EV?

An electric vehicle is a vehicle that does not require gasoline to run, as it runs with the help of an electric motor that draws power from a chargeable battery. These vehicles can be charged at home by installing charging equipment or can be charged at public charging points in  parkings, office buildings etc, as Electric Vehicle Charging stations’ networks have grown rapidly . Nowadays, people have started to show preference towards these vehicles because of being eco-friendly, as they do not emit any gas and another reason is being cost-effective in the long run.

Growth of EVs:

We have seen a significant growth in Electric Vehicles in 2023 and now considerable changes are happening in EV industry and technology in 2024, which have increased the sales of EVs dramatically and sales are expected to rise to such an extent that till 2030, these will constitute 35 to 40% of all new cars but this prediction is based on the expectation of innovations in EV charging Solutions like infrastructure, grids and battery.

Apart from this, it is anticipated that in 2024, people will see a decrease in Electric car prices along with enlargement of Electric Car Charging Stations. Another infrastructural improvement will include improving the compatibility of Plugs.

Let’s discuss this in detail:

Accelerating Adoption of EVs:

As mentioned above, people’s inclination towards electric vehicles is on the rise due to multifarious factors like awareness regarding the environment, incentives by the government and  improvements in the technology of the battery. These facilities and improvements have led EVs to become more competitive with traditional vehicles.

Range and Battery Technology:

The battery technology of electric vehicles is advancing continuously which further has increased the range and efficiency. The lithium-ion batteries are increasingly becoming cost-effective along with being energy-dense which has allowed vehicles to travel long distances.

Growth in Electric Vehicle charger infrastructure:

Without any iota of doubt, if the count of EVs grows, then it is definite that infrastructural needs would also witness a rise. Seeing this growing demand, governments and companies have started focusing on charging stations’ installation. They have started to provide Electric car charging facilities in parkings of shopping centres, workplaces . Fast charging stations have also been installed along highways.

Smart and Connected Charging Solutions:

The smart electric vehicle charging stations not only provide convenient and flexible charging solutions but they also allow users to monitor and manage the charging session of their EV through the applications. Users can schedule their charging session from the application only, thereby, adding convenience. Besides this, another important factor to consider is the Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology through which surplus energy stored in the battery can be sent back to the grid.

Challenges for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installers 

Although there has been a growth in the opportunities for the installers and contractors, there are many challenges which are faced by them:

EV Charging Station Technology:

As there has been tremendous growth in standards and protocols of EV charging technology, it has become indispensable for contractors to stay up to date with the latest trends so that electric vehicle charging stations can be maintained and installed effectively.

Permitting, code, and Zoning Requirements:

Commercial EV charging stations have to take care of permits and comply with local rules and regulations. At myEV point, we follow all the compulsory rules and regulations, so for your convenience, join us today.


As the EV are growing, so do more businesses entering the market. Electric Vehicle Charging Station services providers have to be ahead of the curve by offering competitive prices, unique and exceptional customer care services. For affordable prices and round the clock customer services, do join myEV point today.

Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installers:

With the growth in EVs, there are  abundant opportunities ahead of them. 

Emerging EV Charging Station Market:

In the near future, there will be huge demand for fast Charging Stations which will create a huge market for installers.

Skilled Contractor Workforce:

The expansion of the EV industry will also demand for skilled professionals, meaning there will be an increase in employment opportunities for technicians and electricians.

Opportunities for Partnerships:

Along with all these, partnerships with EV manufacturers would also be given preference by Electric vehicle charging station installers. myEVpoint is a great platform for comprehensive EV charging solutions.

Overall, it is clear that there will be huge growth in the demand for EVs. So, make the best selection for yourself and contact myEV point today. For more information, contact myEV points team of experts.

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